A very warm welcome to you!

I am Anneline Amann, from Cape Town, South Africa, and I invite you into my space with love and gratitude.
For the past 20 years, I have been on a journey to self and my offering to you as an internationally qualified and licensed Spiritual Director, Reiki Master, Wellness Counsellor, End of Life Doula, RYT-500 Yoga Teacher and Metaphysician, extends in bringing Optimal Wellness to you through Self-Empowerment. I integrate a holistic, multidisciplinary approach, working with mental, physical and spiritual aspects of healing to bring my clients back to Wholeness of Being.
As advocates for supporting and uplifting communities through collaboration and education, we can build ethical and sustainable support networks. Together, we can make a difference, not only in the world of humans, but also positively impact our environment.
May you find Healing and Joy in this space.
Many blessings,
Phone / WhatsApp: +971 58 580 6740
Email: anne@homeofom.co.za
Bachelors in Metaphysical Science, Wellness Counsellor, Usui Reiki Master and Teacher, Intuitive Healer, Yoga Teacher, End of Life Doula, Holistic Bodywork Therapist, including Reflexology, Irodology, Flower Remedies,Aromatherapy and Lifestyle Consultancy , space clearing and cleansing.

My Service Offerings
- Walking with Ghosts 6-Week Journey to Self Programme
- Spiritual Director and Wellness Counselling
- Usui Reiki Energy Healing Courses
- Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing
- Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Breathwork Practices
- End of Life Companion Doula Services
- Trauma Debrief Facilitation

Walking with Ghosts: 6-Week Journey to Self
Compassionately supporting you through the process of discovery, self-healing and integration, freeing yourself from the ghosts of the past, focussing on practices that serves the Mind, Body and Spirit, harmoniously uniting them as we gently shed what does not serve us anymore.
6 x 1-Hour Weekly Online Sessions for 6 Weeks
- 1 x Optimal Wellness & Nutrition Consultation
- 1 x Wellness Counselling Session
- 1 x Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing Session
- 1 x Restorative Yoga and Movement Session
- 1 x Nervous System Regulation Guidance Session
- 1 x Follow Up Wellness Counselling Session
- Free Selfcare Tool Guide

Wellness Counselling
In wellness counselling, the emphasis is on wholeness, dealing with the whole person, and assisting the client in inner balance and integration of all the dimensions of self, mind, body and spirit.
As each client is seen as an individual, the sessions are non-prescriptive and individually tailored. The counsellor is thus active and creative, responding to the immediate issues brought by the client. The assumption is that human beings are innately motivated towards achieving their highest potential of awareness and fulfilment; the counsellor’s role is to support this and trust the client’s process, whilst holding compassionate, sacred space for the unfolding.

Usui Reiki Energy Healing Courses
I provide training for Usui Reiki Energy Healing Levels 1, 2 and 3, which includes Attunements, Lineage and Accredited Certification.
(Please note, I do not do Reiki 1 & 2 together, at least 6 months Reiki Level 1 Self Healing before Reiki 2)
Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing
Reiki is the ancient art of “laying on of hands” in order to heal. It is the use of touch to convey warmth, serenity, love, caring and healing, through the channelling of energy to enhance a person’s own life force energy. Reiki’s meaning is broken down to Rei- and Ki.
Rei: is spiritual power, universal transcendental spirit.
Ki: is the essence of vital life force energy.
Ki exists in everything. It is a subtle energy that flows within and surrounds all life. It is an essential energy for everything that exists in the physical and spiritual worlds. When Ki is out of balance, pockets of negative energy form around the physical body, and within the subtle energies of the aura and chakras. This heavy negative energy cannot flow freely and becomes sluggish and stagnant, resulting in dysfunction and illness in the body. It is only by removing this negative energy that healthy Ki is free to flow again and heal the body. Reiki healers channel through pure Universal Love to their clients and it complements all other therapies, whether allopathic or alternative, by allowing the path of healing (physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual) to take place.

Yoga, Meditation and Breathwork
Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj, meaning “to unite with God”. The practice aims to create union between body, mind and spirit, as well as between the individual self and universal consciousness. Such a union tends to neutralize ego-driven thoughts and behaviours, creating a sense of spiritual awakening.
Yoga systematically works with senses, body, breath, the various levels of mind, and then to the center of consciousness..
The breath is symbolic of prana, and pranayama can be understood as methods to extend and expand vital life force energy through the deliberate control of respiration.

End of Life Companion Doula
What is an End of Life Companion Doula, you may ask?
We provide specialised non-medical care and compassionately support clients and their families in the areas of grief, loss, palliative or terminal care and trauma, as they transition through various physical, mental and spiritual challenges. sharing their very precious final journeys.
Services include Advanced Directives, Legacy Work and Bereavement Counselling.
“We are all just walking each other home” – Ram Dass
Trauma Debrief Facilitation
As a Trauma Debrief Facilitator, I offer professional trauma debriefing to individuals and their families, providing emotional, educational and practical support and resources, usually after a new trauma or at the point of re-emergence of an existing trauma.
I provide a variety of wellness interventions in a holistic manner, taking into account all elements pertaining to your wellbeing (body, mind, soul) focussing on building resilience and improving quality of life after a traumatic experience.
I communicate in a respectful, non-judgmental, encouraging way so that the client’s wishes can be heard and fully understood, in a safe and confidential space.
Please feel free to contact me below for a FREE 20 minute Clarity Call, if you wish to schedule an appointment with me.

Please complete the form below to book any of my services:

I am an Internationally Accredited and Licensed member of:
International Association of Therapists

Council for Counsellors in South Africa
South African Depression and Anxiety Group

University of Metaphysics
Degrees in Metaphysical Science, Life Coaching, Counselling, Metaphysical Holistic Health Practitioner or Minister.

Yoga Alliance
Yoga Alliance E-RYT 500 Teacher